Monday, October 4, 2010

Tapping for Grief over the Loss of a Loved One

When we lose someone we love we experience grief. Our bodies go into survival mode including all kinds of emotional upheaval. The waves of grief can be insurmountable with the pain that flows in every breath. If you have ever lost a loved one, you know what I am writing about.
If you use energy tapping on your grief you no way negate the fact that you are grieving, you do not take away the essential physiological and emotional process that your mind-body-soul has to go through. No, nothing can take that away it’s a part of the human condition. Energy tapping for grief can simply help you breathe, it can help you get out of bed in the morning and it can help you eat and take care of your health. It can help to lessen that deep rooted pain of loss so you can function and learn to live day to day. It can help you move through the necessary process a little easier. The pain of losing a loved one never seems to go away completely but somehow you learn to live with it. Your body-mind-soul will gain a level of acceptance and with time your sadness and anguish will seem to fly away on an angel’s wing. I offer you Love, Healing Energy and Comfort in Your Time of Grief...
Some tapping phrases for grief;
For Sadness and Inner Pain;
Even though I’m so sad at losing my loved one and I can’t seem to cope, I’m OK right now in this moment.
Even though this inner pain is too much to handle, I’m OK in the present moment.
For Anger;
Even though I’m angry because I’ve lost someone I love, I’m OK or I'm a great kid or for an adult I love and accept myself...
For a list of tapping points and how to learn a short version of energy tapping go here

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